“Ebraica, pe litere” este un curs ușor, simpatic și foarte eficient. L-am conceput special pentru publicul român pentru că mi-am dat seama că foarte multă lume își dorește să învețe această limbă, însă un mare obstacol este faptul că majoritatea cursurilor disponibile sunt fie în engleză/franceză/germană etc, fie în… ebraică??
When I started to learn Hebrew, many years ago, I was overwhelmed by how weird and complicated it was. In time, though, I realised that it was actually the method that made things complicated! The Hebrew language is very different - the letters and the sounds - from Romanian or other known languages. But it certainly isn't impossible to learn!
My method simplifies very much the learning process - we will work only on what is important in this phase. You will be able to read and write the letters of the alphabet, a few useful words (and some less useful, but good for practice). You will even be able to translate some simple sentences! It's a promise I respected in all the years I have been teaching this class.
Starting this year, I developed the course and added a new level, workshops inspired from the Jewish culture and religion, as well as my own designs, also inspired by the Hebrew language and the Jewish culture. All this is meant to bring you joy and to help you in your everyday life.