
My name is Anda and I will be your guide in the adventure you are about to start, to learn the Hebrew language.
The first thing I tell those who start this course is that I prefer to think of myself as a guide, rather than a teacher. That's because, even though I graduated from a MA in education, I believe that a true teacher is someone who guides and supports others who want to learn something. Imagine that we are about to embark on a journey and I just happen to know the way a bit better, because I've walked that path before. The trip is different every time, though, because you, the traveller/students are different! As such, even though I hold the compass and the map, the adventure is always new and fresh!
I started to study Hebrew towards the end of the 90s. Back then we didn't have the resources we have now, like Youtube, and the internet was just getting started. I made my first email address in 2000 - seems ages ago!
This class I took was held in a school, as a school class: there was a teacher, wearing a suit, there was a large blackboard with lots of chalk and dozens of little tables where the students were sitting scared, like children, even though we were already adults. Back then I learned the basics of the Hebrew language and I realised that this experience could be nicer and more efficient. Later, I attended other classes, which I never completed, for various reasons - either the teachers were going back to Israel (they were Israeli youth studying in Romania), or I was simply not able to pick up anything (the class didn't have a structure).
Eventually, I had a chance to study Hebrew in a very structured, academic manner, part of my Masters' degree at the Jewish Theological Seminary from New York. Yeah, I can't believe it either, the chance I had! In this structure I was able to improve my knowledge of the Jewish culture and religion and Hebrew language. I realised that the style of teaching is essential for quality learning to take place. I understood that the teacher (me) is not as important as the student, who receives the information. That's when I realised that I am a guide, the one who opens the door towards a fascinating world!
In 2008, I emigrated to Israel. I was very worried because, even though I had studied Hebrew quite well, I was not able to communicate in this language! I knew the grammar rules, I could read quite well, I could understand pretty well what was said around me, but... when I had to open my mouth and speak, I would panic! All these years, I hadn't trained my ability to speak Hebrew, because none of my teachers thought I might need it... I figured that if someone asks me if I know a foreign language, they don't care if I can explain the rule of verb conjugation. They care if I can speak and understand that language.
During the five years I lived in Israel, I was happy to learn to speak this language, to use it gladly and naturally. I learned a lot from everybody, any chance I got! Everywhere I turned, there was a chance to learn something new. I admit, it's not polite, but I used to listen to many of the conversations I heard around me in the bus(monit sherut, in Hebew), cum se numește în Israel), pe drum spre și de la serviciu. Evident, nu mă interesau poveștile cucoanelor care vorbeau tare la telefon, ci felul în care combinau cuvintele, cum acordau în gen și număr verbele și substantivele – ce mai, o adevărată lecție de gramatică “live”! Acum mă amuz să spun că am învățat ebraica după ureche, însă nu am făcut decât să mă “scufund” în această limbă și să o trăiesc în elementul ei.
So, basically, this is my approach to teaching Hebrew: I will help you understand the letters of the alphabet, understand how the words are combined into sentences and speak the language so you can understand and be understood by others. It's a very simplified method, down to the essence of it. Language is a tool which helps us navigate this world and it should not become a burden.
Toate celelalte creații ale mele, pe care le poți găsi pe acest website, țin tot de învățarea limbii ebraice și a culturii evreiești, într-un mod simpatic. Când cumperi un calendar, de exemplu, și îl pui pe perete acasă sau la birou, ai ocazia să înveți despre felul în care este împărțit anul conform tradiției iudaice, vei avea “sub nas” în fiecare lună un text interesant scris în ebraică, alături de care vei găsi transcrierea fonetică și traducerea lui, și vei putea afla când au loc sărbătorile evreiești. De altfel, oricare dintre produsele create de mine are ca scop apropierea de sufletul evreiesc, și, în esență, conviețuirea pașnică și constructivă, lipsită de sentimente negative.
Thank you for being here and I hope that we can do wonderful things together!